"The Age Of The Apocalypse"
The time of the apocalypse; has it came upon us? Is it time to start preparing yourself for the worst?

Devastation of our world is happening everyday, just take a look at the earthquakes that are happening all over the world, even right here in the states. Here is a link so you can take a look for yourself. This map provides a day-by- day earthquake guide(
http://earthquakes.tafoni.net/). We our having some of the worst there has ever been! The solar flares are getting bigger, stronger and more often than ever before. Everyone should really start to take at least one minute to make sure that there family and friends know and our getting the things that they will mostly need to survive this. There will not be too many safe places left once this all really starts to unfold. So my best advice is to start now if you have not all ready started to put up things like batteries, gas, food and a secure place to keep all the stuff that is most important to have. Chances are, that even your own family will not be there if you need them, so you are going to have to be self-sufficient. That means; having things like plenty of seed to grow your food, safe drinking water, a system that will provide light so you and your family will be safe from harm at night and shelter so you can stay dry and out of the weather. As i see it, you will not be able to go to your local Walmart store and buy any of this. We are going to have to fish for our meat, hunt wild game and so-forth just to stay alive. Most importantly, the people that have not started or have not been getting any of there own stuff prepared, will be trying to steal the things that we have put aside for our own needs, so protection is our number one goal in staying alive and on top of the food chain. Here on this site, I have listed some of the most important things you will need, like the pressure cooker to can your own food, so it's easy to store for a long period of time. Water filtration devices so you can have fresh drinking water, seeds to grow your vegetables and other various things that will be important to ones way of life just to stay alive. Not to change the subject but I would suggest that you have a stash of cash on hand because we all know without power you will not be able to use your Atm or banks, so getting cash for trade will be impossible. Even though cash will not have much value, there will be people out there that will still want it. With this said, I wish you and your family the best in what's to come. "Amen".
P.S-- Remember a little now will go a long way later.