
Angel's To The Rescue!

"Doomsday Preparation"

If you have found your way here, chances are, you are very concerned on the possible outcome of December 21, 2012. Many people are frantic and spend their days preparing for what could be, "complete chaos."
There has been similar dire warnings about the world coming to an end from various cultures, including Native Americans, Chinese, Egyptians and even the Irish. The Mayan civilization, which reached its height from 300 A.D. to 900 A.D., had a talent for astronomy. Advanced mathematics and primitive astronomy flourished, creating what many have called the most accurate calendar in the world.

The Mayans predicted a final event that included a solar shift, a Venus transit and violent earthquakes. Do you believe the Mayans prediction could be right?

If our earth was to encounter such types of destruction, people would begin to panic. All electricity will be out, rendering electronic devices useless. Satellites will begin shutting down, blocking all communications. The use of an everyday objects, such as, a cell-phone would lose signal.

Could this shut-down in power cause a nuclear meltdown? Would computer systems, operating guided missiles, shut down it's defense systems causing them to launch uncontrollably? Under these conditions, how would the average human respond to such stress? Would they turn on their own kind to survive? These are the very question we concern ourselves with.

In case this happens, families have begun preparing for the 2012 disaster. By assigning each family members specific roles to maintain self sufficiency, a family can learn to strive under any condition. One would be in charge of hunting and farming, one for security purposes,  a seamstress for clothing and a lumber-jack for chopping firewood.

With so many possibilities, we don't want to leave anything out. Here at the, "Apocalyptic Angel's," we will discuss the various ways one can survive. If we were knocked back into the ice-age and had to rely on ourselves one-hundred percent, how would you create fire? How would you construct your new homes, and out of what?

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