
With disaster near, canning and preserving food is a necessity. We highly recommend you get started as soon as possible. Canning will make the shelf life of your food last for years to come! Being prepared for the worst, will allow you and your family to strive under the cruel conditions we will be facing. The more food you can have canned, the better off you and your family will be.

Here you will find recipies on a different variety of foods and how to properly can them for the best shelf life. In order to can food, it requires the use of a pressure cooker. I recommend purchasing the sixteen quart version, as it will fit, seven one pint sized mason jars. If your going to take the time to can your food, you may as well purchase the pressure cooker that will enable you to store the most amount of food at one time. Stay away from the digital versions. If we do end up in an apocalypse, there will probably be no power to run such a device. Keep this in mind always, as are resources will be limited.

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